At Clover, we look at re-inventing sustainability by constantly looking at Bio-mimicry as a Science to provide answers to multiple challenges. Our innovative ways to create ‘Energy Pillars’ to help farmers provide organic nutrient to trees quickly or our way of carrying out ‘Vertical Farming’ to enhance food production in a small area, are concepts that have been created using Bio-mimicry.
Energy Pillars: Means of providing organic nutrients to trees in quick time.
Vertical Farming: Means of growing large quantity of food in a small area.
Biomimicry helps create products and processes with various advantages
Are sustainable
Biomimicry follows Life’s Principles that helps to optimize rather than maximize, embrace diversity, adapt and evolve and use life-friendly materials and processes
Performs well
In nature, if a design strategy is not effective, it does not survive. Nature has been vetting strategies for 3.8 billion years, which has resulted in ensuring that only successful strategies thrive in their habitat.
Saves energy
Energy in the natural world is even more expensive than in the human world. Plants have to trap and convert it from sunlight and predators have to hunt and catch it. As a result of the scarcity of energy, life tends to organize extremely energy efficient designs and systems, optimizing energy use at every turn. Emulating these efficiency strategies can dramatically reduce the energy use in products and processes.
Cut material costs
Nature builds to shape, because shape is cheap and material is expensive. Thus, biomimicry can help minimize the amount spent on materials while maximizing the effectiveness of products patterns and forms to achieve their desired functions.
Redefine and eliminate “waste”
By mimicking how nature transitions materials and nutrients within a habitat, we can set up various units and systems to optimally use resources and eliminate unnecessary “waste”. We can also turn “waste” into a feedstock.
Disrupt traditional thinking
Biomimicry offers a new way of finding natural solutions to challenges by mimicking nature.
Accomplish multiple objectives
In nature, there are no single-purpose tools. For example, trees provide shade, generate energy, protects the moving water beneath the surface. Imagine surfaces and systems that could accomplish multiple functions with one simple, multi-functional design!
Adapt to context and climate
Rather than fighting against the context by using energy and resources to hold nature at bay, understand true sustainability from nature itself – not only creating but continuing to nourish and heal the systems that create conditions conducive to life.
Embody resilience
The ability to identify and apply principles and recipes for adapting to change is key. Life on Earth is the epitome of resilience, adapting and changing to fit its context over billions of years. We can create human-built systems that are inherently resilient to change and disturbances.
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